Thursday, October 1, 2009

Italia e no la Tartaruga!

Things are moving SO quickly now! My roommate described last night at dinner(another AMAZING dinner of salmon and white sauce pasta, salad, and homemade shepards pie-hey Mama Lo is English, who cares if we're in Italia!) when we were first here a little over three and a half weeks ago time was moving so much slower because we were so stimulated by all of these new things-the culture, the art, the people, the architecture. Now we are beginning to settle into this environment, it is becoming our daily lives and the weeks are FLYING by! One of the girls keeps reminding everyone of how little time we have left and we all have to snip at here saying, "There are still two and a half months!" But she has something there, when you are in such an amazing place and even your classes are fun time sure does fly!
This past week I have spent the majority of my class time in museums. Our Italian classes taught by the professors at the British Institute are so full of information by the time I look at the clock there are only five minutes left. I am learning more here in three weeks than a whole semester at JMU! I do not mean to put down the classes at JMU, but it is kind of hard not to do your Italian homework here when you can walk into any market and practice how to order something, to ask what someone likes the best, to tell them you don't like their cheese! It's also hard to ignore your Renaissance Art History professor when you walk outisde of your door and see works by the greats right in front of your face everyday! The hardest to ignore is the great wine and food here when you are learning how to pair them and the culture and history that comes with wine tasting! It's so amazing learning a languagethe history, and the culture in its very own country. This experience is one I am so blessed to be able to have and I intend on taking full advantage of.

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